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Resources for Finance

Be Smart with your Funds

Get in Charge of your Finances

Saving money and spending wisely can be difficult, especially when you have a family. We want to teach you different tricks to saving money.

What do I need to open a
bank account?

  1. If you're under 18, you'll need a guardian

  2. Your social security number/card

  3. Your picture identification, such as a driver’s license, Student ID, or passport

  4. Personal information such as address, phone number, email address

  5. An initial deposit (cash, checks) as required by the bank


United Way offers several services to prepare your taxes for free instead of paying someone. On average, American families spend more than $300 each year on tax preparation and filing fees. 

united way.png
Helpful Finance Tools

Sample Budget Form

Free Annual Credit Report

Compare Car Insurance

Compare Renters Insurance

Low Income Housing

Lessons on Money

Savings Goals
Image by Salman Hossain Saif

Must Have Apps

Download these helpful apps to help you save money and track
your finances.

Download Mint
Dollar Bills
Download Gas Buddy
Download Kroger+ App
Download Credit Karma App

Free Financial Literacy Class for Teen Parents
August 6 & 13, 2022 | 10:00am - 1:00pm


Decide exactly what you want to do and when.

Use action words.

Set a deadline.

I want to save $500 for driving school this summer


How will you measure success along the way?

How will you know you've achieved the goal?

I will save $50 from every check during winter break.


Is this something you can achieve with all of your resources? Is this within your control?

I can do this if I use my monthly gift card instead of cash.


Is this goal related to your overall mission. Is this something you really need or desire?

If I get my license, when I'm ready I can save for a car.


Create a timeline of when you will achieve the goal. A goal without a plan is just a dream.

This is enough time  so I won't be stressed.

Maximize Your $ w/Ms. Jaliah
(2 Mins)
Savings w/Rod Mills
(3.10 MINS)
Basics of Savings with Victor
Financing a Car with Victor
Credit 101 with Victor
Debt 101 with Victor
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